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From the CEO: Because of You, Our Blessings are Many

Because of you!

This was the theme of our recent annual gatherings and volunteer recognition events held this past October in Fort Dodge and Ventura. The purpose of these events is to acknowledge the contributions our supporters make each day to the mission of our organization.

‘Because of you’ is an incredibly apt and appropriate description of why One Vision continues to be successful despite the changes and challenges we face — many due to new regulations, as well as state and federal bureaucracy that presents challenges to our funding.

However, because of you, we face these challenges together. Because of you, we remain a community that encourages the individual choices of those we support — choices that lead them to greater purpose and independence.

Because of you, we have successfully increased sales in our resale stores as well as in our Green Production business.

Because of you, we have helped secure meaningful community employment for more than 75 people.

Because of you, in the last 18 months, we have opened new, successful retail businesses. Tried and True, our women’s resale boutique in Mason City, and Fieldhouse, our farm-to-table restaurant in Clear Lake, not only provide revenue for our organization and reduce our reliance on Medicaid funding, both provide job opportunities for people we support.

Because of you, we now provide services to more than 75 kids and families at our Children’s Autism Center in Clear Lake. We have also expanded services to the Fort Dodge area.

Because of you, we successfully completed the transition of those living in RCF cottages on our Clear Lake campus to their own smaller homes in communities of their choosing.

The list could go on, yet suffice it to say our ongoing blessings and successes are because of you! Without our staff, donors, family members, volunteers, supporters of our various events, business patrons, board and committee members, or simply an interested community stakeholder – none of this would be possible. Each of you come together and play a crucial role in helping those of us at One Vision inspire meaningful lives by connecting people with purpose.

As we approach the holidays and this season of thanksgiving, I am so thankful for the support we receive from all the people connected with our great mission. Thank you for all you do!

Because of you, nearly 600 people with disabilities are connected with purpose throughout their Iowa communities!

Thank you and best wishes for a blessed
holiday season!

Jeff Nichols