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Pulling Together in Time of Crisis

I was speaking with Barb Ewer and Cindy Richardson about how incredibly proud I am of our organization at this time of crisis. I have worked at Handicap Village/Opportunity Village/One Vision in some capacity since 1989. 

I have truly seen that this tragic situation, COVID-19, has brought out the best in everyone. I have seen more teamwork going on, crossing lines of different departments, office workers, and residential settings, than I have ever seen in the longevity of my career here (25+ yrs). I told them that seeing people step out of their comfort zones (working in new and sometimes difficult areas) makes me have a renewed faith in this organization and the people who work here. 

I want to send a huge thank you to all the SCLS’s for what they have been doing for the past year, filling in positions that have been vacant, as I have now been placed in their shoes for the first time. It warms my heart to see individuals we serve being connected with familiar faces of the past, as staff whose departments have been closed down or have had their hours reduced due enter their homes and make this isolation from the world a little easier.  

Thank you to everyone who has made a really scary time in our lives a little less stressful by pulling together.

Stay healthy.

Cheryl Lackore, Day Services Coordinator