Community Employment Services
Opening Doors to Hopes, Dreams and Careers
Community Employment Services
We actively seek job opportunities in One Vision communities that align with the skills and interests of individuals with disabilities seeking a career. Our unique process gives people a voice to choose the opportunity that allows them to thrive.
- Customized job placement
- Business partnership
- Job training
- Skill development
- Continued coaching Benefits
- Hired directly by the business partner; business pays the wages
- Work alongside other employees
- Individuals gain independence and confidence
What People are Saying...
"It [this job] kind of makes me feel happy; I'm pretty pleased with myself that I've gotten this far."

Brett, person served
Employed at Stellar Industries with a job coach, Garner, IA
Nicole said doing this work makes her feel proud, adding, "Because I've never been a teacher before— I love it! I hope I can work with special needs people because I have special needs."

Nicole, person served
Employed independently at the Redeemer Preschool &Daycare, Ventura, IA
"He [Brett] continues to be a steady performer and just really filled a gap, not only for Stellar but also for One Vision. And getting an individual in a facility and they are truly making a difference - not only for us, as Stellar, but the individual and One Vision."
Doug Hamrick
Stellar Industries, Garner, IA
"Don't create jobs for adults with disabilities. Create opportunities for adults with disabilities to succeed at jobs you need to fill."
Brian Blodgett
NGT, Buffalo Center, IA
What Types of Positions Are Held?
Pharmacy Demonstrator
Sample Demonstrator
Pizza Prep
Retail Helper
Prep Cook
Recycling Assistant
And so much more!
Making a Difference
Making a Difference Fostering connections between individuals and North and Central Iowa businesses to create meaningful, positive impacts for all involved — a true win - win - win. Most importantly, this empowers individuals with disabilities to grow, thrive, and excel in jobs they choose and love.
Successful Employment Placements in 2024
Current Persons Served
Receiving Employment Services
Receiving Employment Services
Business Partners

Whether you are an employer, a potential employee or a caregiver of a potential employee, contact:
For inquires in Webster and Hamilton Counties | Julie | | 515-206-2533
For all other counties | Tara | | 641-355-1207
Community Employment Services